1975 Geboren
1994 Matura am BRG Hamerling Linz
1994 – 1997 Ausbildung zur Dipl. Gesundheits- und Krankenschwester
1997 Hochzeit mit Christian Börner
1999, 2000, 2004, 2006 Geburt unserer 4 Kinder
2008 – 2010 Lehrgang für angewandte und künstlerische Fotografie, Prager Fotoschule
2011 Abschluss Prager Fotoschule
2012 Ablegung der Meisterprüfung für Berufsfotografen in Linz

Hi! My name is Claudia Börner.

I’m a nurse, a wife and a mother of four children. Not always in that order. For me life happens in moments. And I love capturing those moments. That’s why I became a photographer.

I was born in 1975 and got my degree as a nurse in 1997. I’ve been working as a nurse ever since. And somewhere along the way I met and married Christian Börner. We have four wonderful children who have given me many beautiful moments to capture!
I decided to pursue my passion for photography in 2008 at the „Prager Fotoschule.“ After successfully completing that education, I received my master’s certificate in 2012 as a professional photographer in Linz, Austria.

Welcome to my website. Welcome to many captured moments of life!